Tag Archives: PMT

wow, and at it again…

WOW, I won the Soul Cysters Weight Loss Challenge (SCWLC)! I’m not quite sure how, but apparently I did!I really didn’t lose that much, only 3.2kg, but apparently it was enough. Congrats to me! I’m not even sure what the prizes are, as I didn’t really pay much attention to them because a) it’s not why I joined the Challenge, and b) I really didn’t think I would be in with a chance to win! I’m also really glad that one of the gals that did the last one, won a chance to be on the new one. She has some pretty major issues in various forms, but always seems to just get through it and soldier on. I really admire her guts and determination. She has just made the decision to stop working and concentrate on her health, and good on her! Her story is here www.fightingpcosnaturally.com. GO LYNNE!!

I’ve been feeling frustrated at not losing weight, and knowing that my head space is a big part of the problem. I’m also feeling down because I had really hoped that I would have lost something for my trip, and with just under 10 weeks to go, I feel no closer to my goal than when I started the SCWLC 3 months ago. I have signed up to do the next one (already started) as I think the group on Facebook has been a great support, as it’s not just about weight loss. It helps me to not feel so alone.

I have written so many posts in my head (mainly while I’m in the shower, as it’s my thinking time) but never actually make it here to write them. Once I finally get time, I’ve mostly got through whatever was bothering me, or forgotten it! lol.

I do know that my last period was the worst I’ve had in 6 months 😦 😦 😦  It was the first time in 6 months (since I started seeing the dietitian) that I had to take a day off work because I couldn’t get out of bed due to the pain. I think I have also had PMT most of the month (I’m not game to ask my endlessly suffering husband!) which is no fun either. I’m 90% certain this is because I fell off the food bandwagon pretty badly there for a few weeks, and I think it was my body’s way of telling me in no uncertain terms that it wasn’t happy.

On a positive note, a few months ago I stumbled across a girl’s blog who is based in Melbourne called www.forwardfitness.com.au Aster has a wonderful and inspirational story, and her posts are so upbeat and inspiring! I have gone back through some of her old posts and read about something really interesting… Is your cardio killing your body shape results? (And not in a good way!) She talks about weight resistance training and the reasons why it’s better for people in particular who have insulin resistance and why cardio doesn’t help to lose weight. I found it very interesting! I have wondered since being diagnosed if being insulin resistant makes a difference to how my body processes exercise etc. I’m not sure what her sources are, but it does makes some sense to me. I’ve decided that seeing as I’m not really getting the results I want, I’m going to change it up and give it a go. I really wish I lived back in Melbourne so I could do PT with her!

Here is what I currently do:
5 sessions a week: 30mins tread climber it is like a treadmill, but has 2 treads and simulates walking through sand… it’s HARD! Then I do 15mins recumbent bike (my back can’t do the normal bike). Then onto either weight machines x6 kinds of 3 sets of 12 reps, or free weights x8 kinds, 2 sets of 12 reps. I alternate these sessions each night to break it up a bit. Then about 15mins in the sauna (my fave!)

Here is what I am going to do (started to night)
not sure how many sessions yet — need to do more research on 48hrs between workouts)
15min tread climber; stretch; 30mins weight machines x6 kinds of 3 sets of 12 reps BUT doing 3 seconds down, 1 second up (as per FF blog advice), it makes a HUGE difference as I discovered tonight! Stretch; Recumbent bike to warm down for 10mins; sauna 10mins.
I’m thinking about getting some PT sessions — more for the planning side of it than anything. The only problem is, well, there are personal trainers… and then there are personal trainers. You never know what you are going to get (kinda like a box of chocolates!) and I haven’t always had the best experiences!Hmmm, will have to think a bit more on that one!

My first session tonight working out this way went really well. It was quite a different experience although using the same equipment. I’m not sure how long it will take to get results, and if I should be giving up my beloved Thursday step class but it’s a start.

OK, I’ve babbled enough. Judging by my past performance, I’ll be back in a month or so 😉

I have downloaded the iPhone app, so maybe I’ll get on there while I’m on the train and post an update, even if it’s a short one 🙂

